How many times have you reinvented the wheel?
When working in international relief and development projects, we often face situations others have encountered before us. Sometimes we ask around and consult a few colleagues for their opinions and advice. Other times we "jump in at the deep end" and do as best we can under the circumstances.
Link to Aid Workers' Network
Aid Workers Network
links international relief and development field staff to share support, ideas and best practice.

The Aid Workers Network is an independent learning community of aid workers willing to provide mutual support and practical advice based on experience. It is managed by aid workers for aid workers. It is run by volunteers and membership is free. By subscribing you will receive Aid Workers Exchange, a weekly e-mail for knowledge sharing amongst field staff in humanitarian relief and international development.  The format of the e-mail alternates between questions/responses and short articles. You can also check the website This website aims at encouraging and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience amongst aid workers all around the world. It is an evolving site providing compact "how-to" guides, checklists, background briefings and links to other online resources which have been recommended by fellow field workers.

. is our place to ask questions and find answers
Further details are online at

To subscribe write to
with the title "subscribe"

Send your comments / questions to

Your contribution and feedback are very important to all of us. And there are many ways for you to be involved! Would you like to write something for "Aid Workers Exchange"?  Would you like to develop a topic on the pilot website? Could you help to answer some of the questions of other aid workers? …

Background Page of Community Self Management, Empowerment and Development Training Material for Mobilizers
© Copyright 2005 Phil Bartle
Utility Documents
..Following the path of least resistance makes all rivers and some men crooked.
