Gender Strategy for Mobilizers, an introduction Gender Awareness and Balance by Phil Bartle, PhD Module Introduction. Documents Included in this Gender Module . Gender, raising awareness and promoting balance; notes for the mobilizer; . Gender Issues, awareness and balance; workshop handout. Encouraging equal opportunity for males and females Gender is not about women; it is about relations between men and women. Raising awareness about gender issues, and promoting gender balance are both essential and integral parts of community mobilizing, management training, poverty reduction, capacity development, income generation and empowerment. This module concentrates on assisting the mobilizer in developing techniques for both raising awareness and promoting balance. The core document describes the issues (cultural, economic, political and human rights) and guides the mobilizer in custom designing appropriate strategies. Others will be useful as training aids. See the core document, "Gender; Notes for the Mobilizer," and "Gender Issues; Workshop Handout." -- » «-- If you copy any text from this site, please link it back to Updated: 2003 May 17