Participation in Appraisal by Phil Bartle, PhD Module Introduction. Documents Included in the PAR/PRA Module: Participatory Appraisal, PRA, PAR and community inventory; Methods of Participatory Appraisal, a review of methods and techniques; Map and Inventory, notes for community members; Facilitating Participation in Appraisal, notes for facilitators; 22k Defending the Methodology, notes on advocacy for managers; Training Facilitators in Appraisal, notes for trainers and co-ordinators Other Related Documents: Participation, by Ben Fleming; 19k Benefits of PAR, by Doreen Boyd; 18k Sharing PRA, by Kamal Phuyal. 27k How to stimulate the community to participate in making a village or neighbourhood appraisal survey: a map and an inventory of needs, resources, assets and liabilities As with most of the training documents on this web site, this module is aimed at the community worker in the field, as well as to their trainers, co-ordinators, managers and supervisors. There are many available documents about PRA, PAR and participatory appraisal in general. This site does not aim to duplicate or add to them: research findings, case studies, conference papers, theoretical debates and academic analyses. Here, the emphasis is on needed skills and techniques, plus a little about the principles that lie behind the methodology. An overview of and introduction to the methodology of community participation in appraisal is provided in the core document of this module, Participatory Appraisal. You should read it and keep it as a reference for the role of participatory appraisal in the process of community empowerment. Satellite documents in this module which complement that core include: Map and Inventory, a handout aimed at community members. Facilitating Participation in Appraisal, notes for the community facilitator or mobilizer, Defending the Methodology, which is of particular use to managers and co-ordinators (as well as field workers) because advocacy for the method is needed to counteract incorrect assumptions and inaccuracies, Training the Facilitator includes notes to co-ordinators and trainers of community workers in the field. The module focuses on a phase of the community mobilization cycle, and logically links with many other training documents and modules in that cycle. Ultimately all the training modules on this site constitute an integrated package for empowering low income communities. Closely related to this set of documents in the module are a few guest papers on topics within the category. These include: Participation, by Ben Fleming, Sharing PRA, by Kamal Phuyal, and Notes on PAR, by Doreen Boyd. --» «-- If you copy any text from this site, please link it back to Updated: 2003 May 14